Tuition & Fees


(for the 2024-2025 academic year)

Tuition/Fee In-State Students Out-of-State Students
1-15 credit hours $152.50 per credit $381.25 per credit
15+ credit hours $2,287.50 per semester $5,718.75 per semester
Registration Fee* $15.00 per semester
Student Service Fee* $20.00 per semester (full-time and part-time students)
Technology Support Fee* $10.00 per credit for all credit hours taken.
Healthcare Program Fee* $25.00 per semester (if applicable)
Lab Fees* Vary by course. The most current lab fees can be found in the class schedule listing.
Late Registration Fee* $25.00 per semester (if applicable)
*Additional information about fees is provided below.

All tuition and fees are subject to revision by the Board of Trustees of the College.

In addition to the direct costs mentioned above, additional indirect costs may be incurred depending on individual courses and program of study. Our Cost of Attendance page provides students and their families with a reasonable estimate of all costs, both direct and indirect associated with attending Delaware Tech. Direct costs are billed by the College. Indirect costs are not billed by the College and are averages. They will vary from student to student based on individual courses and program of study. Total costs may differ from the amounts presented.

Students registered for 12 credit hours per semester or the equivalent are considered "full-time." Full-time students are encouraged to take at least 15 credits per semester in order to accelerate degree completion.

Tuition may be paid online through the Student Information System or at any of the campus Business Offices.

Tuition for Workforce Development and Community Education classes will be charged on a per course basis. Learn more about Workforce Development and Community Education classes.

The tuition and fees paid by any student, other than a non-immigrant alien within the meaning of paragraph (15) of subsection (a) of Section 1101 of Title 8 of the U. S. Code, who meets all the following requirements shall be paid at a rate or charge no greater than that imposed for students who are Delaware residents if such student:

  1. Attended a high school located within the State of Delaware for two or more years; and
  2. Graduated from a high school located in the State of Delaware or received a General Equivalency Diploma issued within the State of Delaware and
  3. Has applied for attendance within five years of receiving a high school diploma or General Equivalency Diploma.

A student without lawful immigration status shall also be required to file an affidavit stating that the student has filed an application to legalize his or her immigration status, or will file such an application as soon as he or she is eligible to do so.

Members of the United States Armed Forces readmitted under 34 C.F.R. §668.18, or any superseding regulation, into the same program the student was admitted at the time of entry into military service shall be charged the tuition and fees that were in effect when the student left to serve, unless any increase of the prior amount is covered by the student’s service member educational benefits. Members of the United States Armed Forces readmitted under 34 C.F.R.§668.18, or any superseding regulation, into a different program than that which the student was previously admitted shall not be charged tuition and fees in excess of what the College charges other students for the same program. The tuition benefits provided herein shall only apply for the first academic year after readmission. All terms in this Policy shall be construed as set forth by federal law.

Senior Citizen Tuition Policy

Residents of the State of Delaware who are 60 years old or older may enroll tuition free in many credit courses. Workforce Development and Community Education and Program/Major courses in the College's competitive admissions programs are excluded. Persons eligible for this privilege are not required to pay tuition and registration, late registration, and student services fees. They shall pay the cost of all books, supplies, and other fees. This privilege is granted on a space-available basis. Due to limited space availability, the senior citizen registration period for tuition-free courses begins one week before the 15-week session begins for fall and spring semesters and one week before the 12-week session begins for summer semester. Registrations submitted prior to the opening of the senior citizen registration period will not be eligible for a tuition waiver. Students are not eligible for the senior citizen tuition waiver for any courses for which they were registered prior to the start of the senior citizen registration period.

Registration Fee

All students who register for fall, spring, and summer sessions will be assessed a $15.00 Registration Fee per session for credit courses only. Students can make registration changes without an additional fee being charged. The Registration Fee is non-refundable.

Student Service Fee

For students taking credit courses, a nonrefundable fee of $20 per semester for full-time and part-time students will be charged by each campus. Senior citizens are exempt from paying this fee. The Delaware Tech/University of Delaware Associates in Arts Degree Program student service fee is the same.

Lab Fees

Fees vary -- $12 per lab hour up to a maximum of 6 hours or $72 per course. There are program specified exceptions wherein the lab fees may be less or more, depending on program needs. Industrial education course lab fees are determined by the specialized equipment utilized in the course.

Technology Support Fee

$10.00 per credit for all credit hours taken per semester to support cost of technology, instructional/course materials, and Internet e-mail/access for all credits taken.

Healthcare Program Fee

Students enrolled in the College's healthcare credit programs on a full-time or part-time basis will pay a non-refundable Healthcare Program Fee of $25 per semester to support operational costs to include healthcare programs' clinical rotation fees and instructional equipment.

Late Registration Fee

The starting date for Late Registration is published each semester in the Academic Calendar. Students who initiate their registrations on or after this published date will be charged a Late Registration Fee of $25. Students who have an active registration at the time that Late Registration begins will not be assessed the Late Registration Fee if they add or modify their courses at a later time. The Late Registration Fee is non-refundable.

The fee may be waived by the campus dean of student affairs for the following reasons: (1) a disabling accident, certified by a physician; (2) a serious illness, certified by a physician; or, (3) campus or College functions that are beyond the control of the student, such as campus closings or problems with administrative systems.

Installment Payment Plan

Delaware Tech has partnered with Nelnet Business Solutions (NBS) as a way to increase affordability and access to education. The Installment Payment Plan (the Plan) allows students to defer the cost of tuition and fees through a payment option that offers installment payments rather than in one-lump sum payment. The Plan is available each semester on the opening day of registration.

Enrollment into the Plan is only available for a limited time each semester (through the drop/add period); however, early enrollment is encouraged because the down payment amount is determined by the date on which the student signs up. Earlier signup results in a lower required down payment and a greater number of installments, resulting in much more affordable monthly payments.

After you register for classes, you can enroll into the NBS Installment Payment Plan to pay your tuition and fees in smaller monthly installments. The specific timeline for these installment payment options are available by logging into the Plan. If you do not wish to enroll in the Plan, you can pay your tuition and fees in full in person at the Business Office or pay online.

Students and parents should review all of the information about the Plan carefully before signing up. Nelnet Business Solutions is a third party, and payment plan agreements are executed between the student and NBS - not Delaware Tech.<

View additional installment payment plan FAQs .

Payment Deadlines

The College publishes payment deadlines in the Academic Calendar to encourage students to pay early so that they can increase affordability through the Installment Payment Plan. Enrollment into the Plan by the payment deadline date provides access to the least expensive monthly payment option. If a student does not make a payment by the payment deadline, Delaware Tech will not delete the registration, and the student will still be responsible to pay.

A student account becomes delinquent when the student has not made payment in full to the College or has not enrolled in the Installment Payment Plan by the second week of the semester. When accounts are delinquent, the College will place a financial hold on the account, preventing future registration, and related services. Accounts that remain delinquent at the end of the semester are referred to a collections agency.

Financial Responsibility Statement

Students are responsible for paying tuition and fees when they enroll. The College will not delete any registration or drop any course for a student’s failure to make payment to the College. Additionally, failure to attend any class or failure to receive a bill does not remove the student’s financial responsibility. Students who do not plan to attend class(es) are responsible for officially dropping the course(s) to minimize their financial responsibility.

Tuition/Fee Adjustment Policy Course Drop Or Semester Withdrawal

Failure to attend any class does not relieve a student's financial responsibility to the college. Students who do not plan to attend a class or classes for which they are registered are responsible for officially dropping the course(s) during the tuition refund period to minimize the amount they owe. The college will not automatically delete or drop a student's course(s) due to non-payment.

To receive a tuition/fee adjustment for a course drop, the student must first officially drop the course (see Course Drop/Add/Withdrawal Procedure). Students will not be charged any tuition or refundable fees (lab or technology support) for courses dropped before or during the first week of the session. Students will be responsible for 50% of the tuition and refundable fees for courses dropped during the second week of the session. After the second week, students may officially withdraw from a class, but there is no tuition/fee adjustment.

Except as provided herein, students are responsible for 100% of tuition and fees for officially withdrawn courses. For courses less than four weeks in length, there is no tuition/fee adjustment period. Students enrolled in these courses on the first day of the session are responsible for 100% of the assessed tuition and fees. The following fees are non-refundable: registration, late registration, student services, healthcare program, credit by examination, evaluation of work experience, and pass-through fees.

In addition to the above, a student may request a hardship withdrawal when extraordinary circumstances arise that prevent the student from continuing their studies. Extraordinary circumstances that justify a hardship withdrawal include loss of housing, death in the family, serious physical injury or illness, criminal victimization, casualty losses, or other traumatic event experienced by the student, the student's spouse or domestic partner, or a member of his or her immediate family (including step-children, the child of a domestic partner, in-laws and persons standing in loco parentis).

To request a hardship withdrawal, students must make a written request to their Campus Dean of Student Affairs Office. The request must include a summary of the facts upon which it is based and any documentation in support thereof. Students are encouraged to report hardships to the Dean of Student Affairs Office as soon as possible. If needed, the dean or their designee will assist the student in preparing the request.

All hardship withdrawal requests will be reviewed by a college-wide committee appointed by the president. The committee will include representation from student affairs, instruction, business services, financial aid, and registration. The Dean of the Student Affairs Office will notify the student of the decision via their College email account.

If approved, the student will receive a "W" grade and 100% of the tuition and refundable fees will be credited to the student's account. Non-refundable fees and bookstore charges will not be credited. If financial aid was disbursed to the student's account, the Business Office will calculate the appropriate credit. If the student has other charges on their account, the credit will be applied to those charges as permitted by federal financial aid regulations.

The decision of the committee is final. And not subject to appeal. If denied, the student is responsible for paying all tuition and fees that are owed.

Evaluation Of Prior Learning/Work Experience Fee

For students seeking College credit through the evaluation of prior learning or work experience, a fee equivalent to tuition for a one-credit course will be charged for each course in which a student requests credit, effective with the fall semester 1993.

Other Fees And Charges

  • Credit by Examination Fee
  • Additional fees or changes to existing fees are subject to action by the Board of Trustees.

All fees listed above are non-refundable. All tuition and fees are accepted for payment of student accounts, pending final audit of those accounts by the Business Office.

Students will be responsible for reimbursing the College for payments made to third parties on their behalf for charges such as online access for distance education courses, telecourse rental fees, student malpractice insurance, etc. These "pass through" charges are non-refundable.

Financial Aid Refunds

All Financial Aid refunds are processed through NelNet via the Student Choice Refunds program as either a direct deposit or paper check. To select how you would like to receive your refund, please log into the NelNet Student Choice Refunds program and click Manage Refunds. To set the preferred method of payment to Direct Deposit, you will need to input your banking information (routing number & account number). Unless otherwise indicated, a paper check will be sent to the address on file with Delaware Tech.

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